Saturday, September 23, 2006

Nike+iPod stuff

Well, I've definitely been way from this a while. I've been toying with as well.

I have had a Nike+iPod kit and a refurb iPod nano for about a month now. I really like it and I've figured out a few things. First, you don't need Nike+ shoes to use it, but they help. Second, the sensor needs to be right side up in your shoes when you run, or it will fail to update distance properly at all. Third, calibration fails if the distance is too far off and that will happen if the sensor is upside down. Also, Lance Armstrong will occasionally make announces congratulating you on accomplishments. For example, I recently ran 10 miles and he congratulated me for completing my longest workout to date.

Its cool to play with and it movitates me to run more just so I can see updates on the website.

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